The Stooges: Iggy Pop's Solo Career and the Controversial Hit

Delve into the remarkable solo career of Iggy Pop, the iconic frontman of The Stooges. Discover the intriguing collaboration with David Bowie, the evolution of Pop's music, and the controversy surrounding one of his major hits. Join me on a journey through the feral sounds of rock and roll as we explore the explosive force that is Iggy Pop.

The Collaboration with David Bowie

Explore the influential collaboration between Iggy Pop and David Bowie in shaping Pop's solo career.

One of the defining aspects of Iggy Pop's solo career was his collaboration with the legendary musician David Bowie. Bowie, who had been a fan of The Stooges, played a pivotal role in helping Pop refine his sound and establish himself as a solo artist.

Together, they worked on albums like 'Lust for Life' and 'The Idiot,' infusing Pop's music with a sense of melodicism and experimentation. The influence of Bowie's artistic vision can be heard in tracks like 'The Passenger,' which showcased a new direction for Pop's music.

With their collaboration, Pop was able to tap into a wider audience and achieve commercial success while still maintaining his unique edge. The partnership between these two iconic musicians remains a significant chapter in the history of rock music.

The Evolution of Pop's Sound

Trace the evolution of Iggy Pop's sound as he ventured into his solo career, departing from the raw energy of The Stooges.

As Iggy Pop embarked on his solo career, he began to explore new musical territories while retaining elements of The Stooges' raw energy. His collaboration with David Bowie played a crucial role in shaping this evolution.

Pop's solo albums, such as 'New Values' and 'Soldier,' showcased a blend of experimental and mainstream sounds. Tracks like 'Nightclubbing' pushed boundaries and influenced future rock artists like Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails.

Despite some initial mixed reactions to his more unconventional tracks, Pop's willingness to embrace the weird and the unexpected set him apart as an artist. His solo career became a testament to his versatility and willingness to push artistic boundaries.

Controversy Surrounding a Major Hit

Uncover the controversy surrounding one of Iggy Pop's major hits and the differing opinions among his former bandmates.

While Iggy Pop enjoyed success with his solo career, one of his major hits stirred controversy among his former bandmates from The Stooges.

The song in question, 'Don't Look Down,' was initially recorded by Pop for his album 'New Values' and later released by David Bowie on his album 'Tonight.' Former Stooges guitarist James Williamson, who had written the song, expressed his disappointment with Bowie's version, considering it 'kind of lame.'

Despite the differing opinions, the controversy surrounding the song highlights the creative tensions and diverging paths that artists can take as they explore their solo careers.

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