Thanksgiving Throwdown: A Feast for the Ears

Welcome to Thanksgiving Throwdown, the annual concert organized by Spokane pop punk band Free the Jester. In its ninth year, this event brings together emerging artists and veteran Spokane rockers for a night of music and celebration. This year, the concert is taking place at the Big Dipper on Wednesday, Nov. 22. Ahead of the show, we caught up with the bands and artists on the lineup to find out what they're musically thankful for this year. Let's dive in and see what they served up!

Musical Gratitude: Thanksgiving Throwdown Tradition

Discover the origins and significance of Thanksgiving Throwdown, the annual concert organized by Free the Jester.

Thanksgiving Throwdown, organized by Spokane pop punk band Free the Jester, has become a beloved tradition in the local music scene. For the past nine years, this concert has brought together emerging artists and veteran Spokane rockers for a night of celebration and camaraderie. It's a time to reflect on the musical journey and express gratitude for the support of fans and the opportunity to build something special in the community.

As the concert heads to the Big Dipper this year, the change in venue adds a stripped-down and back-to-basics vibe. The lineup, carefully curated with personal connections, features a mix of established acts and up-and-coming talents. It's a testament to the tight-knit music community in Spokane, where everyone is welcome to join the Thanksgiving Throwdown family.

Expressions of Musical Gratitude

Explore the heartfelt gratitude expressed by the bands and artists on the Thanksgiving Throwdown lineup.

For the bands and artists on the Thanksgiving Throwdown lineup, music is not just a passion but a source of gratitude. Cameron Moore, the organizer of Thanksgiving Throwdown and member of Free the Jester, expresses his appreciation for the opportunity to build a tradition that brings the community together year after year. He is thankful for the support of fans and the growth of the music scene in Spokane.

Other artists, like Not For Nothing and The Pink Socks, express their gratitude for the chance to perform and the support they have received from the local music community. They appreciate the platform provided by Thanksgiving Throwdown to showcase their talent and connect with the audience. It's a time to reflect on the impact of music and the relationships formed through shared musical experiences.

The Power of Live Music

Discover the significance of live music and its impact on the local music scene in Spokane.

Live music holds a special place in the hearts of the artists and fans in Spokane. Kaleb J, a local musician, expresses his gratitude for the vibrant live music scene in the community. Growing up watching various acts and breakthrough artists, he now has the opportunity to contribute to the scene and perform alongside established acts.

Eric Acebo, another artist on the lineup, emphasizes the influence of live music on his songwriting. He draws inspiration from his family and personal experiences, infusing his music with heartfelt emotions. The power of live music lies in its ability to connect people, evoke emotions, and create lasting memories.

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