Unveiling the Eileen Garnett Civic Space: A New Hub for Community Connection

Welcome to the grand opening of the Eileen Garnett Civic Space, formerly known as the Annandale Civic Space. This exciting event marks the transformation of an underutilized open space into a central hub for the Annandale community. Join us on Saturday, Oct. 21, as we celebrate with a ribbon cutting ceremony, followed by a fun-filled community day. Discover the vibrant features of this new space and experience firsthand the opportunities it offers for recreation, connection, and active living for people of all ages and abilities.

The Transformation of an Underutilized Space

Discover how the Eileen Garnett Civic Space revitalizes a former underutilized open space to become a vibrant community gathering place.

The Eileen Garnett Civic Space is the result of a thoughtful transformation of a previously underutilized open space that was part of the old Annandale Elementary School. This revitalization project aimed to create a central gathering place for the Annandale community, and it has succeeded in doing just that.

Through careful planning and community input, the space now features a civic plaza with seating, a vibrant demonstration garden, a great lawn with a compact and playful landscape, and a parking lot capable of hosting various community activities and special events. This transformation aligns with Fairfax County's long-term vision for the Annandale Community Business Center, providing an inviting space for recreation and active living for people of all ages and abilities.

Honoring the Legacy of Eileen Garnett

Learn about the remarkable contributions of Eileen Garnett and why the civic space is named in her honor.

Eileen Garnett was a dedicated advocate for the Annandale community, and her legacy lives on through the naming of the Eileen Garnett Civic Space. In 1984, she founded the Annandale Central Business District Revitalization Committee and tirelessly worked to improve the community's infrastructure and aesthetics.

Tragically, Garnett lost her life in 2022 while advocating for sidewalk and transportation upgrades. Her passion and devotion to Annandale make it fitting to honor her memory by dedicating this civic space to her. The Eileen Garnett Civic Space stands as a testament to her commitment to community revitalization and serves as a reminder of the positive impact one person can make.

Community Engagement and Input

Discover how the community played a crucial role in shaping the design and features of the Eileen Garnett Civic Space.

The creation of the Eileen Garnett Civic Space was a collaborative effort that involved extensive community engagement. The Department of Planning and Development Community Revitalization Section and the Park Authority sought input from the community to ensure that the space would meet their needs and desires.

Through pop-up park events, online surveys, and a design charrette, nearly 400 community members shared their ideas and visions for the space. This input was invaluable in shaping the final design, which now offers a range of amenities and features that cater to the diverse interests of the Annandale community.


The grand opening of the Eileen Garnett Civic Space marks a significant milestone for the Annandale community. This transformed space, named in honor of Eileen Garnett, serves as a vibrant gathering place that brings people together. With its thoughtfully designed features and community input, the Eileen Garnett Civic Space is a testament to the power of revitalization and the positive impact it can have on a community.


What amenities does the Eileen Garnett Civic Space offer?

The Eileen Garnett Civic Space offers a civic plaza with seating, a vibrant demonstration garden, a great lawn with a compact and playful landscape, and a parking lot capable of hosting various community activities and special events.

Who was Eileen Garnett and why is the space named after her?

Eileen Garnett was a dedicated advocate for the Annandale community. She founded the Annandale Central Business District Revitalization Committee and worked tirelessly to improve the community's infrastructure and aesthetics. The space is named after her to honor her contributions and commitment to community revitalization.

How was the community involved in the creation of the Eileen Garnett Civic Space?

The community played a crucial role in shaping the design and features of the Eileen Garnett Civic Space. Through pop-up park events, online surveys, and a design charrette, nearly 400 community members shared their ideas and visions for the space, ensuring that it would meet their needs and desires.

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